Description: A published version of a conference or seminar paper, usually found in conference proceedings
Format and layout:
Author's family name (year, page number if applicable)
(Author's family name year, page number if applicable)
Kwok (2015, p. 163) identifies... a possible explanation (Kwok 2015, p. 163).
Format and layout:
Author's family name, Initial(s) year, 'Title of paper', in Editor's initial(s) Editor's family name (ed.), Title of conference, Conference Organiser/Publisher, pp. xxx–xxx.
Kwok, D 2015, 'Predictors of students' perceived course outcome in e-learning using a Learning Management System', in Ascilite 2015: Australian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education, Curtin University, Perth, pp. 155-67.