Description: Hansard is the report of the proceedings of the Australian parliament and its committees
Format and layout:
Authoring body (year, page numbers if applicable)
(Authoring body year, page numbers if applicable)
...was questioned on this matter (Australia, House of Representatives 2016, p. 3865).
...was questioned on the Northern Economic Plan (South Australia, Legislative Council 2016, p. 4482).
Format and layout:
Authoring body year, Title of document, date, viewed date, <URL>.
Australia, House of Representatives 2016, Debates, 19 April, viewed 6 December 2016, <;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansardr%2F72a020b3-432a-4737-af9b-1927e6fcaa6e%2F0099;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansardr%2F72a020b3-432s-4737-sg9n-1927e6fcaa6e%2F0000%22>.
South Australia, Legislative Council 2016, Debates, 6 July, viewed 6 December 2016, <>.